The Track TowerClose

141,000 sqm Office
Competition, 2017
In collaboration with MVRDV Engineering: Arup Facade: VS-A

The Chinese economy is undergoing an immense transformation. The Wuhan Wangjiadun CBD could be the hallmark for innovative firms participating in and contributing to this new chapter of China’s development. This requires other urban domains, with vivid mixed urban spaces. It requires another type of offices, combining flexibility with sociality, and concentration with gatherings. The two towers are designed as a concentric model: a central core surrounded by a zone for working, a ring structure with columns and a facade zone. This allows for a combination of efficiency and flexibility with views everywhere.

The lower tower is intended for a single user, whereas the higher tower is a multi-tenant building. By creating a similar architectural intervention on both, the towers can have a clear relationship though. They can ‘mark’ the corner of the ring. The concentric structure of the buildings makes it possible to ‘carve out’ the outer ring spaces for balconies and terraces on every floor. By positioning these outdoor cut-outs carefully, the spaces on the different floors can be connected by stairs. It allows for collective meeting spaces with amazing views over the city -an element necessary for smaller offices.

By connecting the spaces even further, a ‘track’ is created from the bottom to the top of the towers. By adding and cutting, certain parts of the towers are emphasized: the entrance, the middle zone with the view over the lower tower and a valley at the top. The track increases the safety of the occupants in the tower, as it allows additional egress. Together, the tracks form a true three dimensional ‘trail’ along the facades winding towards the top,in its manifestation reminiscent of Chinese ink paintings. The track is a zone referring to nature, with a smaller scale and intimacy. It’s an area for both contact between the various users and between the users and their environment.

MORE Architecture
Daan Roggeveen, Robert Chen, Pedro Martins, Mengyao Han, Andrea Mendoza, Lina Peng

Winy Maas, Marta Pozo, Gustavo van Staveren, Cosimo Scotucci

The Track TowerThe Track TowerThe Track TowerThe Track TowerThe Track Tower
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